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How to use ESP32 or ESP8826 to control 12V/24V WS2811 LED strip?

To control the 12V/24V WS2811 LED strip using ESP32 or ESP8826, you can follow these steps:

Prepare the required hardware:

ESP32 or ESP8826 development board
WS2811 LED  strip
Appropriate power supply (12V or 24V)
Dupont wire or other connecting wire
Connect the ESP32 or ESP8826 development board to the WS2811 LED strip:

Connect the digital output pin (GPIO) of the development board to the signal input pin of the WS2811 LED strip.
Configure the development board:

Install the appropriate firmware and related libraries on the development board. You can download and install the required software libraries through the Arduino IDE or other programming tools.
In the development board's programming environment, find the library files that match your development board model and import them.
Set the GPIO pin mode of the development board to output mode.
Write control code:

In the programming environment of the development board, write the code to control the WS2811 led strip. You can use related library functions to control the WS2811 led strip. The specific code implementation depends on the development board model and programming environment you use. Here is a simple example code that you can modify to suit your needs:


#define LED_PIN 5 //Set GPIO pin number
#define LED_COUNT 30 //Set the number of LEDs on the WS2811 led strip

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {
pixels.begin(); // Initialize the pixel library

void loop() {
// Loop to control the color and brightness of the WS2811 light strip
for (int i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
//Set the color and brightness of each LED, here we take red as an example
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(255, 0, 0)); // Set the i-th LED to red
pixels.show(); // Send control signal to WS2811 led strip
delay(500); // Wait for a period of time to achieve the gradient effect
Upload the code to the development board:
Upload the written code to the ESP32 or ESP8826 development board. Use the appropriate programming tool (such as Arduino IDE) and connection method (such as USB serial connection) to upload.
Testing and controlling the WS2811 led strip:

Once the code upload is completed, the development board will send control signals to the WS2811 light strip through the GPIO pins. You can test and control the WS2811 led strip by modifying parameters such as color, brightness, and gradient effects in the code.

Note: SM16703/UCS1903 and other ICs can be selected to be the same as WS2811IC, and the operation methods are basically the same.

No previous NEXT:What is ws2811?



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